Do you want to teach your Dog to ‘Sit’/’Stand’/’Down’ when you are 20 feet or further away from your dog?

DogSmith Advanced Pet Dog Obedience Training

Do you want to teach your Dog to ‘Sit’/’Stand’/’Down’ when you are 20 feet or further away from your dog?

There is a difference between asking a dog to ‘down’ when you are standing next to it or having it ‘stay’, then walking away, waiting for ten seconds and then walking back to deliver a treat – and accomplishing these same behaviors when you are 20 feet away from your dog and asking them to ‘sit’ if they are standing, ‘stand’ if they are sitting or going into a down position if they are sitting or standing.

Most obedience training cues are given when the owner is next to the dog with the exception of the recall cue.  Historically most of the dog training disciplines that use distance commands such as field trials have used shock collars to get the results they want.  The premise of this learning is that the dog is told to do something at a distance and if they ignore the cue then the owner/handler applies an electric shock. The dog learns to do the behavior to escape or avoid an unpleasant if not painful stimulus.

There are far more pleasant ways to teach distance obedience behaviors. Last Saturday, at The DogSmith Training Center, in one 10 minute session two German Shepherds being handled by their owners had their dogs sitting and ‘downing’ with no food lures when they were 6 feet away from their dogs.  Although the duration of the behavior was very short it did show that with guidance and a systematic approach most pet dog owners can effectively and efficiently teach their pet dogs a high level of distance obedience. The duration can be added later.

The behavior was built one step at a time. As the dogs became familiar with the rules of the game and understood that great reinforcement was available to them for getting “it right” their learning became faster and faster .

When starting this  training with a pet dog with the goal of the dog sitting or ‘downing’ or standing from a distance, the first behavior criteria on the ladder must be 97% reliable. The dog must already be able to demonstrate the behavior without a food lure when the owner is standing by their side or in front of them. The behavior should be under the control of both a verbal and physical cue, not the physical cue created by the lure mechanics but the final finished product cue.


Goal – To have your dog go into a ‘down’ position when you are 20 feet away using a verbal cue ‘down’ or a simple hand signal for ’down’

The first behavior criteria is built on the premise that the dog will already respond to a verbal  “down” and a simple hand cue “down” when the  owner is in an upright position.  This behavior should also have a built in duration of 30 seconds and be on a release cue of “okay”. The owner should not have to lure the dog down with food in their hand or use their entire body as a prompt to motivate the dog into a ‘down’ position. The dog should be comfortable sitting for duration of 30 seconds on an interval schedule of reinforcement no more than every 10 seconds.

Step 1

Take half a step away from the dog and ask the dog to ‘down’ using both the hand signal and the verbal signal.

As soon as the dog goes ‘down’ Click or say ‘Yes’ and step back to the dog and deliver reinforcement. The dog should not have the time to get up and break the behavior. The reinforcement should be delivered to the dog in the ‘down’ position.

Repeat Step 1, 5 times

The dog should be successful on all five occasions. If they are not, then the likelihood is that the initial behavior criterion is not in place.  Since the dog will already respond to a verbal “down” and a simple hand cue “down” when the owner is in an upright position the owner should not have to lure the dog down with food in their hand or use their entire body as a prompt. The dog should be comfortable sitting for duration of 30 seconds on an interval schedule of reinforcement no less than every 10 seconds.

Step 2

Take a full step away from the dog and ask the dog to ‘down’ using both the hand signal and the verbal signal.

As soon as the dog goes ‘down’ Click or say ‘Yes’ and step back to the dog and deliver reinforcement. The dog should not have the time to get up and break the behavior. The reinforcement should be delivered to the dog in the ‘down’ position.

Repeat this 5 times

Step 3

Take 2 full steps away from the dog and ask the dog to ‘down’ using both the hand signal and the verbal signal.

As soon as the dog goes down Click or say ‘Yes’ and step back to the dog and deliver reinforcement. The dog should not have the time to get up and break the behavior. The reinforcement should be delivered to the dog in the down position.

Repeat this 5 times. Do not progress from this stage until you have 5 correct behaviors out of 5 attempts. This is the important step and may prove to be the most difficult step to get past.  A couple of things may happen.

  1. The dog may be confused, you have now moved further away than ever before. This is a new behavior for the dog. The dog may try to get closer to you back into the normal position the dog is in when being asked to ‘down.’
  2. At this stage you may have to reintroduce a more exaggerated physical cue to encourage the dog to go ‘down.’ Start off by just bending at the waist and using your hand to help motivate the dog into a ‘down’ position. This prompt can be faded later on.
  3. If you have to use a full physical cue, your body bending over and knees bending over to get the dog to drop into the ‘down,’ the dog may pop forward thinking there is food in your hand. Be persistent, the dog will “get it.” Use a happy upbeat voice to encourage the dog into position.
  4. If you cannot stop the dog coming towards you then go back and find a middle criteria Such as one and a half steps away from the dog.

When you are comfortably moving back a step at a time, doing sets of five behaviors at each step, you should work on fading all the prompts that you had to reintroduce at Step 3 when you reach a distance from your dog of 6 steps.

You will have to repeat this criterion for each new distance behavior you teach.  When you have some solid distance behaviors for ‘sit’/’down’ and ‘stand’ then you can work on having the dog switch between behaviors with you at a distance. Do not expect that if you can have your dog ‘down’ from ten feet reliably that you will then at ten feet be able to put the dog back into a ‘sit’ from a ‘down.’  You will have to reduce your distance from your dog to develop this behavior.

Niki Tudge is the owner and founder of The DogSmith, America’s Dog Training, Dog Walking and Pet Care Franchise. To find your local DogSmith or learn more about joining the DogSmith visit

Niki achieved her Canine Behaviorist Diploma in England and Dog Obedience Training Diploma in the US. Niki is an Endorsed member of the National Association of Dog Obedience Trainers and a professional member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers and The Association of Animal Behavior Professionals. Niki is also certified by the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers. You can reach Niki via email at or

Marketing Your Pet Care Business Requires A Sustained Focus

Marketing a business is a key component to its success. Finding and retaining customers is what it is all about.  A good Dog Training Franchise will provide you with a strategic and tactical marketing plan that is affordable and effective. Do not fall into the trap of looking for the magic bullet and putting all your effort into one medium. Throwing money at all kinds of marketing activities is also not recommended. Each dollar you spend on your marketing should be tracked. You should be able to calculate how much each customer has cost to attain and how many customers you acquire from each marketing effort.

A good marketing plan requires ongoing and sustainable action that is well thought out and falls in line with strategically planned goals.  A last minute rush attempt at marketing once a month will not work, last minute efforts and slapdash tasks can be more destructive than effective. Plan your work and work your plan.

During A Recession – The Best Time To Open A Pet Care Business

“In a recession is a good time to start your own business” according to Clark Howard the money expert on CNN. It is important to find a business that has a concept you can become passionate about, has a low start up cost  and offers a good return on investment. Buying into a franchise is a great option. Franchising offers you a business in a box and can give you all the finance, operational and marketing support you need to get up and running. With that said the success of any business is dependent on how well you, the business owner, execute the necessary tasks. The DogSmith offers a business model that, if you are passionate about pets, will allow you to turn that passion into a scalable business.  The initial investment is small and the business model offers several potential streams of income in one of America’s fastest growing industries.

The DogSmith is a scalable business. With five sevice areas to generate income you can decide whether to be self employed or a business owner.We ask why refer your pet care customers to another business?

FranchiseDogSmith Dog Training
–   Private Lessons
–   Group Lessons
–   Retail Sales toys, training aids and apparel

FranchiseDogSmith Dog Walking
–   Private Walks
–   Dog Park Romps

FranchiseDogSmith Pet Sitting
–   Home Alone Visits
–   Lunch and Dinner Breaks
–   Canine Slumber Parties

FranchiseDogSmith Pet Nutrition Partnership
–   Dog and Cat Food
–   Treats
–   Supplements

FranchiseDogSmith Pet Waste Cleanup
–   Residential Accounts
–   Commercial Accounts
–   Retail Pet Waste Stations and Supplies

Learn more

Pet Dog Owners Love “Drop-In” Dog Training Classes

The first DogSmith “Drop-In” Class stated in Jupiter Florida and the comments from all who participated are great. Pet dog owners do want to get their dogs trained and the flexibility of The DogSmith Dog Training “Drop-In” class helps them achieve that. The program was developed to support pet dog owners doing right by their dogs. We are all busy with work commitments, social events, kid’s school functions and family commitments. Many people looking for dog training program have come to accept that when the only pet dog obedience offerings are 6 or 8 week programs with no flexibility, training just cannot be done. Those that do commit to the set programs are left feeling unfulfilled as they miss classes and do not have the chance to cover all the skills or achieve their obedience goals. So if you are looking for a great pet dog obedience class with the flexibility to meet your schedule then talks to Rachel Williams, The DogSmith Palm Beach County. You can contact Rachel at where you will find the registration page for the “Drop-In” Program. The DogSmith “Drop-In” program is available at several locations across Florida.